HACC Lowers Bail for Ex-Volyn RMA Official

The higher anti-corruption court reduced the amount of bail from UAH 372,150 to UAH 198,480, which was determined as a preventive measure for the former head of the department for defense work and interaction with law enforcement bodies of the Volyn regional state administration Valentyn Sushik.
Such a decision was made by HACC.
As you know, the anti-corruption court previously imposed a precautionary measure on Suzyk in the form of a 372,150 UAH deposit. His defense attorney requested to change the preventive measure against the accused.
Partially satisfy the defender's request. To reduce the amount of bail applied to the accused (Sushyk - ed.) by the decision of the investigating judge of the Higher Anti-Corruption Court of December 7, 2022, in the amount of 150 subsistence minimums for able-bodied persons, which amounts to UAH 372,150, to 80 amounts of the subsistence minimum for able-bodied persons, which is UAH 198,480
It will be recalled that, according to the investigation, Sushyk, being an official of the authority, decided to act contrary to the provisions of the regulatory acts during the purchase of military ammunition and to use the funds of the regional budget, having reached preliminary verbal agreements with the officials of LLC "BC "KBR". The agreement was to give the company advantages in the development of funds from the regional budget and the conclusion of contracts for the purchase of the necessary equipment (protective equipment) for the military unit as the sole executor without observing the principles of public procurement.
The suspect decided to buy helmets and bulletproof vests from the company "BK KBR" LLC under a contract in which conditions regarding the quality of military ammunition, which are mandatory for such contracts, were deliberately not included. With this, Sushyk actually allowed the purchase of protective vests in the amount of 884 units and combat helmets wz.2005 in the amount of 846 units, which do not correspond to the 4th class of protection according to DSTU 8782:2018 and the 1st class of protection according to DSTU 8835:2019, from LLC "BC "KBR" . Thus, UAH 33,899,404 was spent.
Earlier it became known that People's Deputy Odarchenko was sentenced to 8 years in prison.
We also wrote that in Khmelnytskyi an official of the DTCP was exposed for taking a bribe.