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Nevolya Vasyl
"Declaration" of Slavery
Negai Yuriy
"Real Estate in Georgia" Yuriy Negai
Nemchinov Maxim
“12 million UAH” by Nemchinov
Nesuch Ludmila
"1,500 euros per person" Nesuch
Novik Lali
"5 years in prison for bribery" by Lali Novik
Nanivskyi Anatoly
"Numerous objects" by Anatoly Nanivskyi
Nefiodov Dmytro
"Bribes from capital entrepreneurs" by Dmytro Nefiodov
Nosov Oleksiy
"200,000 dollars for prosecutors" by Oleksiy Nosov
Nahkur Toomas
"Scheme on mortar shells" by Toomas Nahkur
Nesteruk Dmitro
In the footsteps of Mykitas