Latest Anti-Corruption Updates

Bribery in Cadet Corps: Charges Dropped
The court dropped bribery charges against Andriy Sydorenko and Olha Martynenko in the Sumy Cadet Corps case due to insufficient evidence. Their seized property was returned

Medical Workers Charged Over Fake Fitness Documents Sent to Court
Kyiv doctors accused of issuing fake unfitness certificates for $5,000–$8,000. Six buyers of such documents also face trial. Case submitted to court

Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin is resigning due to corruption scandals
Andrii Kostin resigned from the post of Prosecutor General amid investigations into the fake disabilities of prosecutors. The decision is related to inspections of corruption schemes in prosecutor's offices

The deputy prosecutor of the Zaporizhzhia region was arrested for bribery
The deputy prosecutor of the Zaporizhzhia region was detained while receiving a $40,000 bribe. She faces up to 12 years in prison for receiving illegal benefits